- Block hours are available in the afternoon only (see rates table below).
- Online purchase" prices apply to purchases made on our website only.
- As with many other businesses, please allow extra time at the box office to collect your tickets during peak periods.
- If a refillable ticket was given to you at the time of a previous purchase and you do not have it in your possession for the day, a purchase fee of $3 will be added to obtain a new ticket.
Tarifs billets journaliers 2024-2025
Regular rates
holidays and spring break
Billets journaliers tarif régulier 2024-25
All Day | HOUR BLOCKS** |
Achat sur place | Achat On line Économisez 10% | 4h 12h à 16h | 2h 14h à 16h |
0 to 6 | 15 $ | 13 $ | 13 $ | 13 $ |
7 to 21 | 40 $ | 36 $ | 30 $ | 24 $ |
22 to 64 | 62 $ | 55 $ | 44 $ | 35 $ |
65 ans et + | 40 $ | 36 $ | 30 $ | 24 $ |
Tapis magique seulement (tout âge) | 15 $ | 13 $ | 13$ | 13$ |
Weekday rates
Except holidays
and spring break
Billets journaliers en semaine et blocs d’heures 2024-25
All Day | HOUR BLOCKS** |
Achat sur place | Achat On line Économisez 10% | 4h 12h à 16h | 2h 14h à 16h |
0 to 6 | 13 $ | 11 $ | 10 $ | 10 $ |
7 to 21 | 23 $ | 20 $ | 17 $ | 14 $ |
22 to 64 | 32 $ | 28 $ | 24 $ | 19 $ |
65 ans et + | 23 $ | 20 $ | 17 $ | 14 $ |
Tapis magique seulement (tout âge) | 10$ | 9 $ | 10$ | 10$ |
- La station est fermée les mardis et mercredis du 6 janvier au 26 février et du 11 mars jusqu’à la fin de la saison.
- On Mondays and Thursdays, depending on traffic, only one chair may be open.
Notes pour tous les billets journaliers 2024-25:
- Taxes are not included and prices are in Canadian dollars.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Une preuve d’âge pourrait être requise sur place
- Les tarifs réguliers sont applicables les semaines suivantes :
- du 23 décembre au 06 janvier 2025
- du 03 au 07 mars 2025
- Les billets de 4 heures sont valides de 12h à 16h
- Les billets de 2 heures sont valides de 14h à 16h.
Downhill skiers, be careful on the ascent slopes!
Rules of conduct for Alpine touring at Vallée Bleue
- At all times, respect the schedule and the ascent and descent zones determined by Vallée Bleue.
- Passe ou billet de rando-alpine OBLIGATOIRE ou à la billetterie sur place).
- It is forbidden to use the ascent trails in pre-season or post-season due to the dangers of the terrain and snowmaking, grooming and maintenance operations.
- Climb only in designated areas - following the beacons on the designated ascent trails (Route 42 and downhill from the school).
- Stay visible and ride in single file, never two abreast.
- When the ascent trail crosses a ski run, give way to downhill skiers and do not cross in a group.
- At all times, use skis or an alpine board (with skins for ascent) equipped with metal edges and brakes or restraint straps.
- The use of crampons, cross-country skis or snowshoes is forbidden.
- Animals are not allowed on the mountain.
- At all times, respect the Mountain code of conduct.
- Access to the lifts requires a separate ticket or pass.